Is Ludo Game Haram Or Halal - Popular Game Review

 Is ludo haram or halal?

We are asking about the famous game the snake and the ladder and to those who do not know it it's a board game where you have the drawing of a ladder. Taking you to different levels and there's a snake intermingle between the ladder and if you happen to step on it you have to go to the beginning or to a lower level and you lose the levels you have progressed in a game as a game it's nice its firm. It's beautiful it's enjoyable however the problem is that it involves dice and there is an authentic hadith where the Prophet said alayhi salatu was-salam. 

It is best for a person to dip his hand in the blood of a swine of pork we know that pork is haram and it is it is nut juice rather than to play with dice and this means that it is prohibited to use dice. Some scholars said that and this is problematic but unfortunately not all scholars say the right thing all the time they are human and they are not infallible they may make mistakes. So, some of these scholars said that it's not not logical to prohibit playing with dice. So, most likely the prohibition is for gambling but if i gamble through playing cards whether it's poker or to a blackjack or whatever. 

It does not involve any dice in the process does this mean gambling is hard no so too claimed that dice is haram because of gambling this is not true it is haram because the prophet told is haram. So, what can we do well I don't know if you can play it with other means but dice is essential and hence it is not permissible you can and likewise with monopoly with other board games. That involve but gammon is also a pretty widely spread in the Arab world and it uses dice and it's prohibited assalam you can use any other games. That do not involve dice such as Oh No for example Oh No seems fine there are no drawings it's a nice game it has a lot of hit-and-run tactics in it so it seems to be permissible. I don't know what's available in the market but I presume that there are many more and Allah knows.

Review by Mufti:

A Brahman says I think that it is not allowed to play dice rolling games but can i play such games on a mobile phone now the issue of dice rolling dice and claim you know the dice that that the cube that has numbers on them from one to six. People play with two of them usually and they play games from the ladder and the snake from Na-poles Oh different even I think poker or or gambling etcetera they also played and used the dice so, what is the ruling on it the Prophet said adding is Valastro salaam it is best for a man to dip his hand in the blood of a swine rather than to play with dice.

 Now this is a hadith that clearly states that touching and playing with dice is prohibited the mid 1 million euro question would be why and the 2 million euro answer would be we are not supposed to ask why because we are supposed to submit our wills to Allah. Allah tells us wearing gold for men is haram we adhere and we comply. why it's not my business. Allah tells me to pray for two Rakas and monolith read our taxes and the rest are for across why not have them all the same number instead of confusing children of some same thing this is not to you this is to a large engine why is it. 

When I burp I do not perform Moodle but if the same gas comes out from somewhere else I it breaks my wood when I have to perform ablution again religion is based on compliance on submitting your will to Allah azzawajal you are not a master you are a servant and a slave. So, Allah tells us to do something maybe the the the knowledge maybe the justification the wisdom is apparent I can tell that why is it prohibited to consume wine or intoxicants because it makes you lose your innocence your sanity and you do things that you regret afterwards this is logical everybody understands this but you cannot cascade this to every single thing maybe you can cascade it to 95% of the Sharia.

Law yet there still remains a certain percentage where Allah tests your submission and your loyalty and therefore when it comes to dices whether because it was used in gambling whether because one is dependent on luck. If you see people playing backgammon or if you go to Sin City and I would not advise you to do this and you watch them gambling in casinos and you see how they toss and roll the dice where their hearts are related to it wishing for a particular number whether they playing  roulette so to Crane any type of gaming.

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