Avoid These Mistake And Apply These Tips For Your Run : Popular Games Review

Mistakes Must Be Avoided: 

Death isn't the end in hades it's the beginning but with each new start comes the chance to go just a bit further. 

Hello friends it's Irfan here one half of the team behind legacy gaming and today I'll break down some of the biggest mistakes players make when playing hades. There's only one real rule in hades survive that being said there are arguably better ways to go about doing that and while I've seen some janky builds and techniques work sometimes. You just need to rely on the basics to get the job done which is why I'm sharing some of my knowledge with you right off the bat. The mistake I see most often when watching youtube videos or checking out streams is people playing way too aggressively. I don't blame them the game's weapons encourage and reward more aggressive players.

Only when they can effectively negate or avoid damage honest to god I thought I was a pretty decent player during my first dozen or so runs but I was never able to defeat hades and what I quickly realized was that enemies were chipping away at me. So, often because I was aggressive and careless that by the time I did get to the final boss I wasn't able to outlast him. There are several solutions that can help with this issue the first is obvious play smart, not hard every weapon has a ranged component.

When things get a little intense there's no shame in stepping back and letting those aspects of your build take over second recognizes that there are boons to help mitigate damage Athena and aphrodite are the two I'm referring to here. Their boons are designed to reduce the damage you take as a player so really leans into them if you're struggling to get through the game finally you need to understand your limitations and focus on long-term goals. There players that can get through the game in just one run probably but the vast majority of us are going to need to rely on the systems the game puts into place like the mirror of the night. 

That segways perfectly into the second mistake I see players make not taking advantage of the roguelike elements in the game hades is designed to be challenging but by slowly upgrading you'll find that the experience gets just a bit easier. I'll pop into a stream and see players sitting on tons of darkness or gemstones with barely anything upgraded. I would also say that when you're just starting out prioritizing those types of encounters especially those that reward darkness is a better long-term play than anything else mirror of the night. Upgrades are essential to getting through the game and by focusing on that currency you're going to gain access to things like increased damage more death defiance and increased boon rarity.

Tips and Tricks:

It's easy to get sucked into the whirlwind of the game lose track of the big picture but by focusing on those rogue-like elements you'll end up furthering your goals and getting one step closer to victory before we go any further. I want to take a second to thank all of our Patreon supporters if you like legacy gaming and want to help us out even more consider donating a few bucks to the channel every penny. We make goes right back into the community so check out the links below and sign up today one of the unsung heroes of hades the bloodstone doesn't get the attention it deserves in conjunction with some mirror of the night. 

Upgrades this can be one of the most potent weapons in your arsenal but it takes some conditioning to use effectively. It is all about the boon that you choose to infuse your bloodstone with if you're using boiling blood you need to make sure you choose a bloodstone boon that's going to take advantage of the increased damage some boons like diameters turn your bloodstone into turrets. Which don't give you the benefit of the mirror perk you have to be careful but you also have to think about what your build needs if you're looking for pure damage consider ahri's diameter or Artemis boots.


If you're looking for utility or damage reduction well then Athena Poseidon and aphrodite are great choices. It takes some getting used to working bloodstones into your rotation but I'll reference back to the first point I made in bloodstones allow you to deal damage from a distance a much safer way to inflict damage and get through an encounter so prioritize them and their effects moving forward. I promise you you'll see a difference there are six weapons you can use in hades and they're all pretty different mix in the aspects and you're looking at over a dozen unique play styles.

It's easy to go about your business the same way each run picking the same boons and trying to muscle your way to victory but each weapon synergizes differently with the various boons in the game. If you're using something like the spear with a slower attack rate you may not want to focus on status stacking boons like Dionysus for your primary attack. It's a nuanced relationship and it takes a lot of practice to understand how it all works faster attack speeds are great for stacking status debuffs and keeping those debuffs on enemies while slower more powerful weapons gain more benefits from critical hits and raw damage increases. It's also important to think about your end game goal 80s you can stack all the multi-target boons and upgrades you want but at the end of the day, he's still going to be standing in your way.

You have to think about that the second you start your run in the back of my mind I'm always thinking Kodiak how will this boon help me defeat the last boss and it helps almost every time it's an easy mistake thinking you want more chain lightning or are abilities. I promise you you can get through encounters without those crutches. I'm not saying avoid them completely they're fantastic but just remember the god of death is always going to block your way to think through each decision you make with that in mind. Often than not it will go just fine if you're not using the pierced butterfly the Thanatos keepsake you have to ask yourself why the heck, not this item increases your overall damage by a certain percentage each time you clear an encounter without taking damage.

If you play smart you can easily increase your damage by 20 to 30 percent before reaching the final boss and that's a huge boost to your overall damage potential. If you think about it however there is a catch with this keepsake you need to keep it equipped the entire run to gain the most benefit, unlike other keepsakes the pierced butterfly is working for you from the very beginning, and even if you're not clearing every room without taking damage. There's a good chance you're getting through enough that it's making a difference even a 10 increase to your damage is a game-changer and honestly, do you need that extra 50 light from the spice collar probably not the pierced butterfly is easily one of the best keepsakes in the game.

Remember keep it active the whole run and start your run with it right from the get-go this one change goes a long way. I guarantee that you'll see results and there you have it friends five major mistakes I see players making in hades and some resolutions to fix them if you guys enjoy our hades content don't forget to leave us a comment below.

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