Top 10 Tricks For Beginners In The Witcher 3 - Popular Games Reviews

 Tricks For Beginners:

Hey guys, Today I'll be sharing some of the best most useful tips and tricks for the witcher 3 that'll blow your mind. I've also taken the most useful information from some of my other longer form videos and condensed it down here so it can be consumed in a much less time if that sounds good to you then make sure to smack that thumbs up real good counter attacking also known as parrying is performed by pressing the block button default left trigger just before an enemy lands an attack countering is much more effective when fighting humans and non-humans due to them utilizing melee weapons during combat ideal for countering with gold swords. However when it comes to fighting monsters and beasts dodging is the way to go proving more effective to create openings for return attack than countering.

When it comes to rolling it's best to only use this purely for gaining ground quickly on ranged attackers or quickly creating distance from bigger more powerful threats unlike dodging and countering rolling drain stamina and stamina better serves geralt elsewhere such as signs special attacks or stamina related abilities for this reason be sure to use roll exclusively for the situations just mentioned a red bar will briefly. Flash directly below an enemy's health bar every time an enemy initiates an attack this is your cue to dodge or counter if you happen to be locked on to a different enemy that initiates the attack the red bar will still flash up under the locked on enemies health bar as opposed to the attacking enemy this is so you can still clearly spot when to respond bear in mind there's no visual cue when ranged attackers unleash their projectiles so be sure to keep an ear open for the associated audio queue. 

Implementing counters against enemies that hold shields will completely mitigate their turtle defense and is just as effective as axi in disabling their defensive tactics bear in mind geralt cannot counter two-handed attacks quickly throwing him off balance if he tries so when confronted by these slow but hard-hitting enemies simply dodge their telegraphed attacks to create openings during their recovery holding a torch while fighting will prevent geralt from performing counter-attacks regardless of timing so, if you plan to utilize counter attacks during combat which you most definitely should against humans make sure to stash the torch first in general it's best not to lock on to specific targets when engaging multiple foes locking on is best utilized when geralt can focus on a single target without being flanked  or for targeting specific enemies for launching ranged attacks such as bombs or arrows manually controlling geralt's direction of attack proves more effective.

When facing multiple targets this will prevent him from attacking unintended enemies pulling him out of position and thus making him vulnerable even just a basic understanding of how the adrenaline system functions can help geralt to turn the tide of battle during the toughest confrontations the gaze just below the stamina bar is your adrenaline gauge this gauge is segmented into three sections each section representing one adrenaline point three in total adrenaline gradually builds up with each successful sword attack geralt lands and each field segment grants a 10 attack power bonus up to a maximum 30 percent bonus when the gauge has maxed out built adrenaline is automatically maintained and will only decline. If geralt sustains damage leaves combat or uses certain adrenaline consuming abilities such as whirl rend or flood of anger investing ability points into the resolve combat skill located under the battle trance column to the right will prevent adrenaline loss when geralt sustains damage thus allowing him to preserve his attack power bonus during combat there's also three general skills related to adrenaline which you may want to check out these are rage management which allows signs to be cast using adrenaline points when stamina is too low adrenaline burst which increases adrenaline generation by five percent and allows signs to also generate adrenaline and finally focus which enables active adrenaline point to also increase sign intensity.

Not just attack power this table shows you where to sell all your unwanted items to get the best return in crowns maximizing your profits for every sellable item in the game in general you should sell everything to the appropriate traders located in novograd city as detailed on the chart for example youshould sell all weapons and horse accessories to blacksmiths all armor to armorers all upgrades to blacksmiths or armorers and all books to a book trader all located in novograd city once you progress far enough into the game to visit the country of Tucson which is exclusive to the blood and wine expansion. You can simply sell all the unwanted items to traders located there who are far richer than all the traders in velen and novograd combined lazar lafarg is the only grand master crafter in the entire game and he's located in beau claire city the capital of Tucson not far from the grand place signpost as shown here the farg will offer the best prices for all your unwanted swords and armor and has the deepest pockets of all the traders in the game bear in mind traders will become more wealthy and stock rarer materials as geralt increases in levelfor an in-depth guide detailing. 

Top 10 Tricks:

Number one this is a very much a beginner tip absolute beginner where you just start the game just stick to the rows until you get used to everything going on around you you will need to do a few missions first if you get the hang of things otherwise you come across things like this I ended up against a pack of wolves in like my first half an aeroplane and it was a bad idea as you can see there so just stick to the road for the first couple of hours of the game that's all ok.

So tip number two make sure you do as many SciQuest as you can especially in the first part of the the game in white orchard that's your first sort of area that you go to make sure you go to the notice board here as I'm showing you and pick up as many of these side missions as you can the side quests will get you more points they'll get you more experience they'll get you used to the game as the main point but they will allow you to level up pretty pretty early on make you more powerful as you go now as you unlock those notices you'll find more question marks appearing on the board now those are unknown locations now pay particular attention to these places of power or as Gehrig will say place of power these will give you an ability point you get an ability point every time you level up but you'll get an extra one every time you find one find them all they will help you out and these are the non playable characters these also give you side quests so go and interact with any of them they have an exclamation mark on the map as you just saw go and find them and deal with whatever they've got you to do with okay.

Number three early upgrades what should you you what should you upgrade as soon as you can okay so I would recommend the light attack ax e or queen and queen it's up to you but I definitely go for the light attack I think that's well worth doing he can see it I'm updating and I'm trying to improve my ax e sign that will basically mean I can manipulate people with my my Jedi Mind Tricks and conversation and I do believe it's well worth doing and it give you a better chance of getting through some of the the earliest stages and but also the Kuenn is probably worth doing because that gives you a shield in attack and when you cast a sign you're pretty much guaranteed to get a any hit against you in the first few seconds they won't do any damage so it's well worth doing well worth leveling up make sure when you've done this though you do actually go and assign assign it to your character as I'm showing you here you have to go and pop it in one of those slots on the right-hand side of the screen and so yet don't forget to do that now also there is the the mutagens that you can apply now the mission surround each of those slots understand it looks a bit complicated but when you put one in there that's the same color as one of the the skills you've applied it will give that skill a boost so what you're going to end up with is all mutagens of one color and skill in one box and so and so forth this is the tip you're looking for stuff. 

Tip number four loot everything and I mean absolutely everything after you've killed a monster after you kill people after you kill anything around you any room you go into as long as there's no guards watching you could say pretty much safe to rob everything off everybody so Rob pillage steal like a Viking going Christmas shopping make sure you grab everything you can fill up your boots with everything everything you've got your new power but make sure you use your your Witcher sense to locate these items it's very very useful make sure you use it and seriously trust me. 

Tip number five use the best URI it's a it's your best friend read it learn how to defeat your enemies learn what their weaknesses are you can research you only get to unlock what their weaknesses are after you've met them for the first time but trust me you need to keep doing so so in this one I was looking at the noon rates I was trying to find out what their weaknesses are met they're one of the witnesses the eared ensign and I used it here the magical effect is magical circle and it will basically weaken the enemy so that you can take them out use the best treat to your best ability is your best friend. 

Number six bombs and potions as soon as you get the the the recipe and as soon as you've got all the ingredients for the recipe just create them yet you only have to create them once you don't have to keep creating over and over again there's a reason for that you're on a certain if you're playing on a certain skill level so basically going create these things and assign them to your character bombs and potions are absolutely awesome this one is the cat potion I think it's called and it will allow you to see in the dark as you can see it sort of goes into this black and white here we go you've got the this Salem bomb this will explode yeah it destroys nests is pretty cool but the best thing about these things once you created them as I said you've got them forever but when you meditate if you're on one of the lower levels of playing the game here look absolute hardest level you won't be able to do this but if you're on the lower levels you meditate and it will replenish your stalks as long as you've got some alcohol in your inventory. 

Number seven save as often as you can yes thank me later for this tip honestly is one of the best tips I have save often before a battle make sure you do it save every moment you get as soon as you've achieved something as soon you just you've discovered a location save the game you can try to save just before you're about to go into battle but if you're too late and you're already in a battle mode or fight mode or combat mode or whatever it's called you will not be able to save the game so please trust me and do this well in advance and make sure make sure you say very very often it will it will save you a whole load of time trust me what else you. 

Tip number eight upgrade your horse a nag with the bag basically there's a reason for that a nag is a horse by the way if you're not British um basically you can you can upgrade it you can give it the blinders that's like blinkers they're basically hide the horse's eyes and they'll freak out less often when you're in battle and the saddlebags will allow you to carry more items where the items are based on weight not number so as you can see when I assign in a second you assign both the blinders and your saddle back to the horse the blinders will just basically mean your horses and freak out as you're in battle you notice the horses fear go up if you apply blinders it'll go up a lot more slowly and it's a lot cooler so go back into your own venturi find these items and assign them to the slots that are against your character which basically the character is your horse there's the saddle bag and it's jumped up from a maximum weight of sixty to ninety and applying the blinders there at the bottom that will do you a hell of a favor trust me okay speaking of saddle bags this does bring me nicely on to. 

Tip number nine your inventory management do not let it let the stuff weigh you down okay so animal skins are particularly heavy but what you must do is dismantle them take them to an armored it's not one of the easy options you can pick from the the talking screen but make sure you you have a look around the options you've got with them dismantle your items is a absolute must it's also a cool trick because some of the stuff that you will need to craft you might not have all the items for but if you look around you can dismantle weapons dismount or some of the objects in your in your inventory and you'll find those ingredients that you need so there you go just just destroyed a sword and I've got some scraps and iron in go leather leather scraps straps sorry and the ironing got that will help you out and there's all sorts that you can destroy stuff for look you go you can destroy this this was it a body armor thing into five different ingredients seriously have a look Explorer you will need it's okay and once you've done that you can go in and look at what you can craft crafting is obviously your way to level up and but the ingredients you need the items you need to be able to create these objects you'll need to get from your inventory remember you can only do this when you go to an armorer so I look for these guys on the map and use them as much as you can okay the other thing you can do is sell your items of course but what I recommend you do is only sell your alchemy or crafting items when you've got maybe more than 10 of them or so maybe a more than a dozen just to whittle down what you've got in your bag it will it will take some weight off I mean you don't necessarily need any more than that in you in your inventory. 

So on to tip number 10 combat probably the most useful tip for the guys that are just starting out let's kick some ass okay so here's how do you just need to learn some of these things to learn how to parry on the PlayStation 4 is the alt button and it basically just hold this defensive stance when you're attacked it with deflecting you hear this nice little sheet steel sound as you saw deflects their attack okay time it right you'll also also counter attack your enemy dodge way better than rolling dodge is really cool it looks great and it also allows you to get around the side of it some enemies but you can also use it to just track back a bit you roll you use stamina Quinn now Quinn is one of your special abilities it will put a shield around you but as soon as you go up against an enemy and you just put your Quinn on it will block the first attack of them almost every single time you won't take any damage so here you go is a scene using all three of those first few tips here a bit of Quinn but a dodge and a nice parry at the end there beautiful okay and when you're in a large group of enemies single these guys out you can either draw them out by walking back away from them or you can push them out by attacking towards them and it would just get them away from the main center of the the attack okay one of the things I recommend you do is meditate and say before you go into any battle now this only really works if you're on the the normal or the average difficulty setting but it will replenish your health and your items now last up I know I'm repeating myself here but learn your enemy's weakness use the best jury to do this or at least your own experience just try try and test every method you've got but the best result is your absolute source of information for how to have to be any of these any of these guys they're whether they be beasts which is humans whatever go into they're actually not humans they're not beasts anyway all of the others you'll need to use the book to to learn but but seriously guys and learn how to beat them as stage by stage it is trial and error sometimes but believe me it pays off just a bit of perseverance you'll get there guys. 

My personal favorite tip is number six.

tell me whats your favorite tip in the following in the comment section.

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